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Local Plan Examination

Local Plan Examination - Update from the Programme Officer 09/09/2024

During 2024, the Council has been working with partners and site promoters to address soundness concerns raised by the Inspectors in their letter dated 4 August 2023, ID-010 in the Examination Library. The outcomes of this additional work are now subject to a six week consultation from Monday 9 September to 5pm on Wednesday 23 October. The Inspectors have stated that only parties who submitted duly made representations at the Regulation 19 consultation stage of the Plan are invited and eligible to respond. The full consultation details including how to respond are available here

Local Plan Examination - Update from the Programme Officer 20/08/2024

The July Update from the Council is now available in the Examination Library. This was submitted to the Inspectors 16/8/24, due to annual leave across the partners of the Joint Action Plan, with notice provided to the Inspectors. 

Local Plan Examination - Update from the Programme Officer 03/07/2024

The June Update from the Council is now available in the Examination Library

Local Plan Examination - Update from the Programme Officer 13/06/2024

The first Pause Progress Update from the Council is now available in the Examination Library

Local Plan Examination - Update from the Programme Officer 31/05/2024

A period of time has elapsed since the Inspectors agreed to the pause of the Examination of the Stroud Local Plan. The Inspectors would like the Council to provide a short report on the progress being made on the actions currently being undertaken. The first update should be provided by the end of this month (31 May 2024) and then submitted on a monthly basis thereafter. These should also be uploaded to the Examination webpage.


Local Plan Examination - Update from the Programme Officer 07/02/2024

The Inspectors have published a letter (ID-015), after considering the responses they requested from the District Council, Gloucestershire County Council, South Gloucestershire & National Highways since August 2023 – January 2024. The letter is available in the Examination Library


Local Plan Examination - Update from the Programme Officer 20/12/2023

The Inspectors have written to the Council requesting further information to assist the Examination. The Letter ID-014 has been published in the Examination Library. 


Local Plan Examination - Update from the Programme Officer 08/12/2023

The Inspectors have received responses as requested in ID-013 and these have been published in the Examination Library

The Inspectors will provide an update in due course.


Local Plan Examination - Update from the Programme Officer 26/10/2023

The Inspectors have published a letter (ID-013), after considering responses they requested from the District Council, Gloucestershire County Council, South Gloucestershire & National Highways.  All these responses and the Inspectors letter (ID-013) have been published in the Examination Library The Inspectors have asked for further information from these specific parties.


Local Plan Examination - Update from the Programme Officer 04/10/2023

The Inspectors are currently considering the information submitted along with the Council’s request to pause the Examination for six months whilst the work listed in the Action Plan is undertaken. While considering this, the Inspectors have written to Stroud District Council, Gloucestershire County Council, South Gloucestershire Council and National Highways requesting more information.

A copy of the letter is available in the Examination Library.


Local Plan Examination - Update from the Programme Officer 21/09/2023

The Council has written to the Inspectors with a proposed Action Plan. Letters have also been submitted by the promoters for draft allocations PS36 and PS37. The letters and Action Plan are available in the Examination Library

The Inspectors are currently considering this information and will respond back to the Council in due course.

Local Plan Examination - Update from the Programme Officer 29/08/2023

The Inspectors have now written to the Council with an update on the Local Plan. The Letter and a response from the Council are available in the Examination Library

Local Plan Examination - Update from the Programme Officer 27/06/2023

Agenda 28 June 2023 Matter 5b

Local Plan Examination - Update from the Programme Officer 20/06/2023

Letter from National Highways in response to AC6 Appendix 2 - Note on housing supply which could be delivered before impacts on M5 J12 and J14 would require mitigation 12th May 2023.

Local Plan Examination - Update from the Programme Officer 12/06/2023

An updated programme has been published under Inspectors Documents in the Examination Library

Local Plan Examination - Update from the Programme Officer 07/06/2023

A note in relation to the Strategic Road Network that was requested by the Inspectors in hearing sessions has been published under Action Points in the Examination Library as SLP-AP-005.

A letter to the Council from the Inspectors has been published in the Examination Library as ID-08.

Local Plan Examination - Update from the Programme Officer 11/05/2023

Additional evidence requested by Inspectors during the hearings has been published in the examination library under an Action Points heading.  The Inspectors will confirm if they require any comments on these documents in due course. Please do not send any comments unless expressly requested by the Inspectors.

Local Plan Examination - Update from the Programme Officer 03/05/2023

Gloucestershire County Council have submitted the below document.  After discussion in the Matter 5b session, the Inspector has taken the decision to add this document to the examination library.  The Inspectors will consider this document and indicate next steps shortly.  They will also consider where further discussion may take place in the programme.  I will notify participants with any updates as soon as I have them.

REP-904-001d Gloucestershire County Council  Sharpness Review of Transport Report

Local Plan Examination - Update from the Programme Officer 18/04/2023

Please see an updated Programme published as ID-04cv6. The only change to this programme is to Matter 5 on Wed 3rd May, where the site discussion has been split into morning and afternoon sessions.  If you are participating in Matter 5, please check the programme and make sure you are placed in the appropriate session.  The Inspectors will produce an agenda for this session in due course.

Local Plan Examination - Update from the Programme Officer 11/04/2023

An up to date programme has been published as ID-04cv5 for all May sessions. Please check the programme as sessions have been moved from the original programmes.  All these updated documents and any other examination related documents can be found in the examination library.


Local Plan Examination - Update from the Programme Officer 20/3/2023

Please note the session for Matter 5 has been moved and is no longer taking place on Wednesday 22nd March 2023.  An Agenda has been published as ID-07 for the session on 23rd March 2023.  A programme has also been published as ID-04c for the remaining sessions, please check the programme as sessions have been moved from the original programme.  All these updated documents can be found in the examination library.


Local Plan Examination - Update from the Programme Officer 15/3/2023

Please note all remaining Hearing Statements and the week 2 programme have been uploaded in the Examination Library. The programme for all remaining sessions will be published in due course.


Local Plan Examination Update February 2023

Hearing statements for Matters 1-4 are published in the examination library.



Hearings are being held via zoom, and commencing at 10am on 7th March 2023, further details can be found in the hearing programme published (ID-04).  All hearings are being live streamed on the Council’s YouTube channel for public observation.  You can watch the hearings here.


Publication of the Inspector’s Guidance Note, Hearing Programme and Matters Issues and Questions

The Inspectors have published their Examination Guidance Note, Hearing Programme and Matters Issues and Questions.

The Examination Guidance Note provides further information on the procedural and administrative arrangements for participants in the Examination, including relevant deadlines and how to contact the Programme Officer.

ID-03 Examination Guidance Note Dec 2022  

ID-04 Stroud Hearing programme Dec 2022 

ID-05 Inspectors Matters, Issues & Questions 


Publication of a Public Notice detailing Examination hearing dates

Under Regulation 24 of the Local Planning Regulations (2012, as amended), a Public Notice has been published setting out the dates, times and location of the Examination hearing sessions. The Public Notice can be viewed below.


If you have any queries on these documents, the hearing process, timetable or process, please direct them to the Programme Officer.


Planning Inspectors 

The Planning Inspectorate has now appointed the following Inspectors:

Victoria Lucas LLB MCD MRTPI and Yvonne Wright BSc(Hons) DIPT&CP MSc MRTPI


Programme Officer 

Charlotte Glancy,

C/O Banks Solutions

80 Lavinia Way

East Preston

West Sussex

BN16 1DD

Tel: 01903 776601

M: +447519 628064

Charlotte Glancy has been appointed as the Programme Officer for the Local Plan examination and will deal with all procedural and administrative matters. Charlotte Glancy is independent from the Council and reports directly to the inspector. She will act as a channel of communication between the Inspector and all parties including the council officers and representors.

Those who made representations at the Pre-Submission stage will, if the Inspector deems appropriate, be offered the opportunity to submit further material or take part in specific hearing sessions at their request and will be notified regarding the examination process by the Programme Officer.

This website will be updated when the Planning Inspectorate has appointed an Inspector and when hearing sessions are scheduled.

Examination Latest News and Updates

Update 29th September

The Council are running a short consultation on specific documents.

The consultation is only open to existing representors who submitted comments during the Regulation 19 consultation in summer 2021.  After the consultation has taken place the Inspectors will indicate next steps.

Examination Library

The Examination Library comprises all the documents submitted to the Planning Inspectorate that make up the examination process:

Examination Library


Useful Information:

The Procedure Guide for Local Plan Examinations

The Coronavirus (COVID-19)- Planning Inspectorate guidance

The Planning Inspectorate’s YouTube channel includes a series of 5 short videos on local plans and the examination process and can be accessed at


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