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Apply Online

Click on the link below to apply online. A fee of £21.00 will be payable and is paid through

The Licensing Section will forward a copy of your Notice to the Police and Environmental Health by the end of the first working day after they received your on-line Notice. 

Please note that some people's systems or software will not open the PDF application form used by the the online system. if you have problems opening the form through the online system, please use the 'Apply by post or email' option below instead.

Apply through (GOV.UK)

Apply by post, hand delivery or email

Send the completed Temporary Event Notice to the Licensing Team using the address below or email to

There is a £21 fee which can be paid online.

 Pay online 

Please note we cannot accept cheques or cash payments.

The Licensing Section will forward a copy of your Notice to the Police and Environmental Health by the end of the first working day after they received your Notice.

Address for postal forms or hand delivery: The Licensing Team, Stroud District Council, Ebley Mill, Ebley Wharf Westward Road, Stroud, Gloucestershire, GL5 4UB

When is a Temporary Event Notice Invalid or Void?

A TEN is invalid if:

  • The notice is not received by the Licensing Authority at least 10 working days before the event for a ‘standard’ TEN or at least 5 working days before the event for a ‘late’ TEN;
  • The form has not been fully completed;
  • The fee of £21 has not been received

A TEN is void if:

  • You have exceeded any of the limits for TENs set out in this factsheet.

An invalid or void TEN will not count towards your allocation of TENs for the calendar year.

Please note, the fee of £21 is not refundable if a TEN is invalid or void.

It is recommended that if you do not apply online that you obtain proof of postage. This will enable you to prove postage to the Licensing Authority in the event that a notice is not received.

What happens next?

When we receive your Temporary Event Notice, provided it is valid and not void, we will email or send you an acknowledgement letter. If you have not received an objection from either the Police or Environmental Health within the time limit set out below, your event can go ahead.

Objections to a Standard Temporary Event Notice

If the Police or Environmental Health believe that allowing your event will undermine the licensing objectives, they must, no later than 3 working days starting from the day after being given a copy of your TEN, give you and the Licensing Section an objection notice.

The Police and or Environmental Health with the agreement of the premises user can modify your TEN in which case the objection notice will be withdrawn.

Otherwise Stroud District Council must hold a hearing to consider your TEN at least 24 hrs before the event, following which a decision may be made to issue a counter notice, which prevents the event from taking place. To allow time for this hearing, we advise that TENs are submitted as far in advance of the proposed event as possible. There is right of appeal.

Objections a LATE Temporary Event Notice

If the Police or Environmental Health believe that allowing your event will undermine the licensing objectives, they must, no later than 3 working days starting from the day after being given a copy of the Late TEN, give you and the Licensing Section an objection notice.

On receipt, the Licensing Section will issue a counter notice immediately and the event cannot take place. There will not be a hearing and there is no right of appeal.

Withdrawal of a Temporary Event Notice

If your event is cancelled a TEN can be withdrawn providing that notification is received by Stroud District Council in writing at least 24 hours before the beginning of the event period specified in the TEN.   Once a TEN is withdrawn it will be not be counted towards the limits allowed for the Premises and you as the Premises User. The fee for a withdrawn TEN is non-refundable. TENs cannot be withdrawn after the event period has passed.

Last reviewed: