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What is a Planning Appeal?

Appeals against the council's planning decisions are made to the Planning Inspectorate. The Secretary of State appoints the planning inspectors who determine the appeals.

Only the person who applied for planning permission, or who was served with an enforcement notice (known as the appellant) has a legal right to appeal. There is no right of appeal for third parties to the Inspectorate or others unhappy with the decision.

You can appeal against:

  • the refusal of planning application or listed building consent
  • a planning condition you believe is unjustified
  • an application which was not decided within the statutory period unless an extension of time has been agreed.
  • an enforcement notice

Deadline for submitting an appeal:

  • Refusal of Householder planning applications - 12 weeks from the date of the decision notice.
  • Refusal of Minor commercial development - 12 weeks from the date of the decision notice.
  • Refusal of Advert Consent - 8 weeks from the date of the decision notice.
  • All other application types - 6 months from the date of the decision notice.
  • Enforcement Notice – details of when to appeal by will be specified on the notice.
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