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Leader's blog - w/c 27 January 2025


"The health and well-being of residents are priorities of our Council Plan, currently being refreshed for the next five years.  Aims include reducing health inequalities in the district, providing high quality leisure services, promoting healthy and active lifestyles, and ensuring the district is a place where children and young people are happy, healthy, and safe. At next week's meeting of the Community Services and Licensing Committee, we will be looking at this part of the Plan, with a view to recommending its approval at full council in February. An important part of fulfilling these aims is by offering a great range of opportunities at Active Lifestyles Stroud district - the Stratford Park Leisure Centre and The Pulse in Dursley, now both under direct council management. You can swim, use the gyms, play football or badminton, and take part in lots of different classes from core fitness and indoor cycling to tai chi and yoga. There's something for all levels and needs.

The committee will also be considering for approval continuation of the Household Support Fund, which helps residents affected by the cost of living crisis. With partners including Citizens Advice and the district’s excellent network of community hubs, it helps ensure our residents can afford food, toiletries and home heating.

I’m pleased as well to ask the Committee to approve a request to write in support of an application by Dr Jenner's House Museum in Berkeley for World Heritage Site status. This was of course where Edward Jenner developed the smallpox vaccine, and is truly a place of global significance, of which the district can be proud. It's also a great place to visit, with much to learn about Jenner’s life and work and the history of vaccination since."

Cllr Martin Brown, Chair of Community Services and Licensing committee