Review of Stroud district council’s statement of principles under the gambling act 2005
Date of consultation: Monday, 15th July 2024 to Monday 12th August 2024
Consultation summary
The statement of principles is the Council’s policy on how we deal with applications for licences for Gambling Premises and how we enforce them.
The Gambling Act 2005 requires us to review and readopt our statement of principles every 3 years.
Stroud District Council’s current statement expires on 31st January 2025.
The Council only licences a small number of gambling premises. There are, within the district, 4 betting shops and 2 adult gaming centres and there have been no issues with them. There have been no changes to legislation or national guidance since the statement was last reviewed. The Council therefore does not propose to make any changes to the current statement and plans to readopt it to cover the next 3 years.
We are undertaking a short consultation to see if there are any comments prior to the policy being readopted
Consultation document
How to make a comment
Comments about the draft policy should be emailed to the Licensing Manager on or posted to the Licensing Section, Stroud District Council Offices, Ebley Mill, Ebley Wharf, GL5 4UB