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Marybrook Car Park, Berkeley - Information

To support the vibrancy and accessibility of the market town of Berkeley, and further to a request
from Berkeley Town Council, Stroud District Council are extending the existing Marybrook Street
Car Park.

The extension encompasses the current garage site to the east, which is an existing SDC
asset. The garages will be demolished, making way for additional parking, which will be classified
as ‘long stay’.

The existing Car Park will remain, although there will be some redesignation to encompass ‘short
stay’ parking spaces, with several physical enhancements undertaken.

The proposed site layout plan can be  viewed below.

Note the changes will necessitate a variation to the Parking Place Order and this will
be advertised in the usual way in due course.

Should you wish to make any comment, please get in touch via the following email address


Last reviewed: